Charles W. Harrison

Charles Harrison (Full Bio Here) has been actively involved in Ministry since 1988. After leaving a career as a Retail Sales Executive with a Flagship Department Store Chain, he served for 3 1/2 years in the area of Single’s Ministry. He started working with Youth and Families in 1991. He has served a very Small Church, a Mid-sized Church, a Large Church, and a Mega Church; Directing a program that started with 1 Youth and developing programs that grew as big as 500 active Youth. He has also helped to develop a “pre-Youth-group” for older elementary kids in two different Churches, which have gone on to fill important ministry needs in two different communities that previously offered nothing for the elementary age groups on a weekly basis.

Charles Harrison
Charles Teaching Youthworkers

Charles worked as part of an National Ecumenical group to help develop a Resource to educate Youth on the dangers and issues of Tobacco use. My Creator, My Life, My Choices: Nurturing Tobacco Free Kids, A Leaders Guide For Youth (ISBN 1-57895-042-2) was developed in conjunction with The Center For Tobacco free Kids in Washington D.C. Updating April 2023

Charles Harrison

Charles has led Youth Ministry events on the District, Conference, Jurisdictional, National and International level. He served as the Chair of the North Texas Conference (UMC) Youth Division for 4 years. He has served as a District Youth Co-Coordinator in two different Districts in the North Texas Conference. For 5 years he served as the Coordinator for the Conference Council on Youth Ministry in the North Texas Conference. He served on the design team for the South Central Jurisdiction’s Spiritual Life Rally for Youth in the summers of 2001 & 2005; served on the Steering Committee for The United Methodist Youth Organization (formally NYMO). He spent a considerable amount of time in helping Youth from across the United States develop and implement Spiritual Discernment as their governing mode of Youth Empowered Leadership at Conferences and Convocations.

Charles Harrison Family
Charles' Family


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  • Information packed practical training.
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  • Practical assignments at the practical training.










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